Thursday, March 19, 2015

Of Shoes and Snakes

Current events in my life bullet point style:

•I am currently watching the Arkansas basketball game with my husband. And I seriously just witnessed one of our players kick his shoe into the audience. Don't worry, after 2 min of playing with one shoe, another player from our bench THREW HIS SHOE onto the court for him so he wouldn't only have one. Let the social media jokes begin!

•I am currently so happy tomorrow is Friday. Love having a weekend without plans!

•Today a customer came into our store wearing a hat with a stuffed snake wrapped around it. The front of the hat featured the snake with its mouth wide open. He told me he wouldn't turn its flashing light eyes on because I'm a lady and he didn't want to scare me. How kind.

•I am currently worried about the state of Arkansas after bullet point 1 and 3.

•I am currently cuddled up with all of my family piled in the bed. Could it be any sweeter?

•Am I the only one ready for sweet summertime?

•Why am I always sleepy until it is time to go to sleep?

•Several of you want answers about Jariel, and I am sad to report I have not heard from my pen pal. I am holding out hope for another Christmas card!

•I promise to try to write a real blog post soon.

•The snake hat guy says he will be back next week. I am secretly excited/secretly will try to get a picture.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! The guy with the snake hat???? OH my!! Gotta love these kind of people! and please get a picture!!
