Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Fanny Pack Mom Needs a Cat

It's time to tell you all a story....a story you may not even believe to be true. The true story of why we moved last year, otherwise known as the great mouse fiasco of 2012-2013. It all started one November night when I snuck in the kitchen around 11:00pm to eat a cupcake. (Please no judgement---they were the most delicious chocolate cupcakes EVER!)

So I'm standing in the kitchen and notice something moving along the wall in the eating area. I roll my eyes and assume it's a toy that was rolling and continue to devour my cupcake. But then...then it happened. I saw a mouse RUN across the kitchen into the kids room. And this is the night now known as the night fanny pack mom lost her mind.

I ran into the bedroom and woke Kyle up in complete distress. His reaction? "Go to sleep we will deal with it later." Really fanny pack husband? Really?

The next day traps were set. Sticky traps, capture and release traps, old fashioned snap traps, you name it. I only checked them every 20 minutes sadly to find nothing. I continued to find nothing until the next week when I found him strutting across the laundry room floor. Yes, I said strutting. That mouse knew exactly what he was doing. His goal was to drive me INSANE.

Fast forward a week or two later around 6am and Kyle hears a SNAP coming from the laundry room. Let me tell you how happy he must have been...not because he was being annoyed by the mouse because he NEVER even saw him. The reason he had to be thrilled was because it was consuming me and it's all he heard about. As he moved back the washing machine to check his trap, he couldn't believe what he saw. A trap with no bait and no mouse.

Before we knew it our house was listed for sale. I was constantly cleaning and organizing and began to believe the mouse was gone. One night, I walked into the bathroom not feeling well after a stomach bug had been going around our house, and there he was. The mouse was back and waiting on me at my weakest moment. By this point, I didn't even move. I just looked at him in anger and made him make the first move. I began to regret this move as his move was under my bed.

That night Kyle arose to such a clatter....the clatter of me running and jumping on the bed directly on him to wake him up. Homeboy wasn't sleeping thru one more mouse problem. If Kyle can go hunt almost every weekend, he can hunt my mouse, right ;) He scared the mouse from under the bed, into a container. And that is the last time we ever saw the mouse.

Oh, did you assume Kyle caught him? Oh no. No, no, no. The story doesn't end there. After running into the container, he ran right out. Back under the bed. Never to be seen again. I just laid in bed, sick and scared, and at some point fell asleep.

Not long after, we were moving into our new house. As we were driving away Krews said, "Mama, did we have to move to get away from that mouse?"

Bless him. He truly thought we were moving just to get away from that mouse. And that is the true story if why we moved.....ok so not really, but leaving the mouse was a perk. Next time (please be no next time) we will just get a cat.


  1. Haha, this story is awesome! We had a mouse last year that kept stealing the bait from our traps without getting caught as well. My husband ended up rigging a very elaborate trap using peanut butter and a coke can (long story).

    Anyway, welcome to AR Women Bloggers! I look forward to getting to know you.

    1. Thanks Karen! Welcome to the blog ;) It's scary how many of us have mouse stories lol!

  2. Fanny Pack Husband! haha. I love you Audra, bless your wonderful soul!
