Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Let's just keep it real here on the blog...not every day is full of fun fashions or mouse tales (pun intended.) Every heart has pain and every heart has troubles. I pray for each if you that your heart has plenty of praises too. The theme in which God has revealed himself to me most this week is by speaking. Anytime I have spoken, God has worked in my life. By speaking, I mean speaking to Him in prayer, speaking to friends in confidence, speaking by reaching out to others. This week I am simply learning....speak. Here are some of my quiet time thoughts:

When your heart is full of trouble, speak. Let God take the troubles away.

When your heart is wounded, speak. Let God heal your pain.

When your heart is full of worry, speak. Let God take your anxieties away.

When your heart is full of fear, speak.  Let God's armor guard you.

When your heart is full of sadness, speak. Let God wipe away your tears.

When your heart is disappointed, speak. Let God lift you up.

When your heart is full of praise and love, speak. Let God know your gratitude.

When your heart is full of joy, speak. Let God rejoice with you.

Praying you can all speak your truth in whatever way you are needing to speak this week.

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.

Ephesians 4:15

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