Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Fanny Pack Mom Gets a Little Grace

This past week the theme of my life was God granting me grace. I thought I would share my week recap mixed in with how grace was granted to me each time to (hopefully) encourage my fellow fanny packers.

Monday I was very sick with a kidney infection. I was laying in bed feeling so sick and my sweet 5 year old, Krews, came and said “Mama, can I pray for you?” God granted me grace showing me his presence in the most precious way…through my child.

Thursday I was back to work for a few hours (I work part time--some in the office and some at home) and was struggling to feel well enough to complete the things I needed to have done. God granted me grace by giving me the ability to complete what I needed to complete in a short amount of time.

Saturday morning I had a lot on my mind. I tend to overanalyze things (remember I told you in the last post---type A, oldest child, OCD) and my sin nature is worry. God granted me grace by giving me a long phone call with one of my closest friends. After that phone call, I felt reassured and more confident knowing God was right there with me.

Later Saturday, I thought  I would take the kids to lunch for a date. In my mind, I envisioned a wonderful lunch filled with peace and happiness. With a two and five year old, things don’t always go as planned. Kole (2 year old) was having a complete meltdown. He couldn’t sit still, wouldn’t eat his food…you mamas out there know what I am saying. I was getting flustered by the time we got back to the car and Kole was upset because he had thrown away his smoothie. Krews, without hesitation, said “Here you go Kole, you can have mine.” Kole turned around and was immediately a different child, he was smiling and glowing with happiness. God granted me grace. He showed me that even though my kids can have meltdowns; they are kind, giving, and love each other.

Sunday morning Kyle was out of town on a work trip. I was determined to get the kids to Sunday school and church by myself. I prepared the best I could by having clothes ironed and laid out for all of us. Satan always attacks on Sundays to keep us from attending church. We had several little roadblocks that led to us miss Sunday school and being a few minutes late for the church service. God granted me grace by getting me to the church service and allowing me to hear His word. It was one of those days the message spoke strongly to me!

Sometimes God uses bad situations in our life or even just little annoyances/setbacks simply as ways to show His grace and love. I encourage everyone to always look for the good and for God in everything you face each day so you can see His grace. How has God granted His grace to you recently?

1 comment:

  1. I think its awesome how God can use the most random situations to show up!! God is good....
