Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dear Seth and Michael

Dear Seth and Michael,

I see the box office success of American Sniper has upset you both. This "cowardly" movie has upset you so much you have both been brave enough to hide behind your computer screen and type hateful messages to share with the world. I am sad my children live in a world where people like you make our American soldiers seem "less than" your Hollywood elitist selves. What happened to patriotism and pride of country where soldiers where placed on a pedestal. Especially deceased soldiers. Why now are people like you in the public spotlight? You are both lucky enough to live in a country where we stand protected by Americans like Chris Kyle, who are brave enough to FIGHT for our country. Yes, I am a conservative female in the Bible Belt of America, but my opinions count as much of yours. We expect these things out of you, Michael Moore. But you Seth Rogan, all I have to say to you is think about your career. Think long and hard about it and think about the timing that the Dixie Chicks career ended....and most importantly decide if you want an acting career or a political one. Either way you lose because I'm not watching any of your movies or voting for you. Oh and Seth, I saw where you tried to "take back" your original tweet and defend yourself. The only thing worse than a bad opinion is being too cowardly to stand by it.

Sincerely yours,

America's Fanny Pack Mom

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