Sunday, February 1, 2015

Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be

This post is all about recent strange events...

1. Event #1 is the fact that Jennifer Lawrence is now a singing sensation from her singing "The Hanging Tree" in the Hunger Games. It is stuck in my head now....hence the title.

2. Saturday I decided I would take the boys to lunch. Kyle was at work, so it was just me solo. A year ago this would have been crazy of me, but I feel like we are at manageable ages now. What was not manageable was the people who were seated next to us. The table consisted of two women, who appeared to be in their late 40s. Either that or they were 32 and lived a hard life. Either scenario would work in this situation. I looked to the side and notice Lady A staring at me and giggling. Awkward, yes, so I decided to just look away. That is until Lady B started giggling too. By this point, I was uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as I would become during our lunch. They kept being giggly until Lady A wrote a note and folded it up. She proceeded to walk away from her table and deliver it to a man sitting in a booth with a friend. She said NOTHING, but busted out laughing. He never even reacted or read the note. I assume the note was giving her number out, but I cannot be sure. It was clear they didn't know each other. You would think I was in a bar surrounded by drunks, but NO I was eating LUNCH in a Mexican restaurant with my kids. To top it off they forgot my meal....I think it was a sign to stop eating so much. They were really doing me a favor considering how many chips I had consumed. 

3. This week I got a text message from my neighbor informing me that there were two men going from house to house knocking on doors. PANIC set in. I am deathly afraid of my doorbell ringing unless I know someone is coming over, or I know its UPS time and my Amazon order is on its way. I have rubbed off on my kids because we hear a doorbell and everyone immediately turns into ninjas ducking, hiding, and crawling to peak out of a window. It is quite embarrassing. I was also panicking because of my experience last year with door to door salesmen. I was at my neighbors house and the salemen knocked on her door. I realized at that point that my garage door was open, so I left my kids with her, snuck out the back, and raced to close my garage door. As I hit my driveway, they were walking towards my open garage door which immediately scared me. Then, I kid you not, one of them looked at me and said, "Hi, are your mom and dad home?"

Shocked, I just said umm no. They proceeded to tell me (me who they thought was a CHILD) how they had just been released from prison and were enrolled in a program for second chances where they go door to door to give sales pitches and gain confidence. I was absolutely TERRIFIED and quickly told them I wasnt the one in my house allowed to talk to people (clever I know.) They said they would be back and I locked my house up quickly. WELL, this morning in Sunday School, I hear its people with the same story going door to door in town. I am all for second chances, but not under these circumstances that make me and my family feel threatened. Sadly, we live in a world where doors must be locked and alarms set at all times. 

4. After discussing this in Sunday School, Kyle leaned over to me during our worship service and said, "Last Sunday I left the keys in the car with your PURSE in there, but hey nothing happened."
Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be. If we LOCKED THE CAR.

5. When I was pregnant with Krews, my dad announced he wanted to be called C. Diddy...short for Cat Daddy. We all kind of rolled our eyes, and my grandmother informed him he sounded like a "pimp." He announced last night he would like a "cooler" name. Because it's not strange at all to change your grandparent name after 5 years. He demanded C. Diddy and C. Diddy he will be. 

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