Thursday, November 6, 2014

Friday Favorites: Princess Kate Style

Happy Friday! It has been a great week at our house! Now it is time for another edition of Friday Favorites.

1. LK Bennett shoes:

My brother is getting married at the end of November! I have been looking for the perfect outfit and shoes and kept coming back to the LK Bennett pumps like Princess Kate is often pictured wearing.

I stumbled upon them on sale and decided to go for it! I am so excited and will wear this classic look for many years!

2. Favorite follow up:

Everyone enjoyed hearing about Kitty Floyd last week. And now Kitty Floyd is popping up in unexpected places. I walked in the bathroom the other, day shut the door, and heard a meow followed by Kitty Floyd jumping OUT OF NOWHERE. Bizarre. The funny thing is my soon to be sister in law said she spent 30 minutes looking for Kitty Floyd Halloween night to put him safely in the house. She had heard a scary story about people torturing cast's on Halloween. Have I ever mentioned Kitty Floyd also got stuck WAY up in a tree one time. He finally jumped. And survived. He is probably down to about 2 lives.

3. Favorite Faux Fur:

When I was sick last week, I decided to order a new robe and house shoes. I got them from Pottery Barn and they are both sooo comfy. I like the faux gives me a little style even when wearing a robe. I will now be on a mission for a faux fur fanny pack.

4. Favorite game:

Kyle went to a Dallas Cowboys football game on Sunday with some guys from our Sunday School class. He brought the boys back some treats and they were thrilled!!

5. Favorite throwback:

I posted this pic to Instagram as my #TBT because the election week made me miss broadcast journalism. Funny story....I helped keep a blog for the show Fox & Friends called "In the Greenroom." It was a behind the scenes look at all of the guests that came on the show. I loved it and meeting so many cool people!

For more Friday Favorites check out Erika, Andrea, and Narci.


  1. Love the shoes! So classy and pretty. I'm in desperate need of some house shoes. I need to check the pottery barn ones out. Thanks!
