Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Decision

After my post yesterday, I received a lot of feedback under my Facebook link of the post. And it was all so helpful! The main message I was receiving is I need to do it more for ME. I need to not worry about it being scheduled or have long, detailed posts. My main priority is going to be to document, by writing, important events in our lives. I also love "story telling" so that will be high on my priority list. Basically, I want it to be a little more organic.

With that being said, yesterday was an unexpected wonderful day. Krews had a little allergy to a bug bite, so I kept him home from school. I kept Kole home too because why not? We had the best day watching movies and spending the day in pajamas. It was the perfect day. And completely unplanned. I think if my blog can have that same approach it will be perfect for me.

One of the movies we watched was Toy Story 3. I love all of the Toy Story movies and my kid's love Buzz and Woody. By the end of the movie, Krews was in tears because he was sad that Andy was giving his toys away and going to college. It made me want to cry too just watching him. Then I started getting upset thinking about when my kid's go off to college and leave home. I had just heard that Toy Story 4 was going to be in theaters in 2017. My initial reaction was excitement, but then I had a moment of worry. What if by 2017 my kids don't see the magic in Toy Story? What if it is not the same?? As you can tell, I waste a lot of time with worry and borrowing trouble.

For now I am going to enjoy the present because I will not always have a 3 and 5 year old. And with this blog, I hope when they do go off to college it will give me the opportunity to read what we were doing and re live it. And I hope it will bring me as much joy as these day's with young children brings me now.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! no need to worry! Do what comes from your heart! ;)
