Kole was excited the night before even wearing his uniform to sleep. He woke up ready to play. He stepped on the field a little weary, but ran with the group. That is until he was knocked down on the field by a player from the other team. Tears flowed freely. We tried to encourage Kole to get back on the field. He did on and off and even scored his first goal! The game didn't live up to the great expectations. Krews played next and did a great job. He was a seasoned pro and enjoyed the game. He even scored 4 goals. Kole was happy as could be sitting on the sidelines enjoying his post game treats.
When Krews played his very first soccer game, he was on fire. He was scoring goals left and right and loving every second of it. When he first started, he had no expectations. Kole being the younger child will have to deal with beginning things with his expectations being set from what his older brother did. It is not fair at all...It is how the chain of siblings works. My sister will tell you she makes some decisions based on the sole fact that it is what I did. I am her expectation sometimes. It isn't fair because some things will be done better by the older sibling, and some will be done better by the younger sibling. God created us all to have different strengths and weaknesses. Next week will be a new week for Kole in soccer. In a few weeks, when Kole has the hang of it he won't even remember how upset he got at his first game.
Aww My kids love playing soocer too :)