Monday, September 29, 2014

Me, you, two sprites, one cracker

After Kole was born, I always tried to make special time for Krews. I had to be creative because I was nursing Kole and wasn't comfortable leaving him for very long. Krews is a bit of a night owl like me....especially back when we didn't have school. I found the best time we could spent together was after Kole and Kyle went to sleep. (Kyle likes to go to sleep early!) So every night after dinner time, Krews and I would start whispering a plan to each other of what we were going to do that night. I made a big deal over it so it was a special treat for him. His favorite drink to have as a treat was a sprite and he loves mini crackers. I would whisper, "Me, you, two sprites, 1 thing of crackers, watch Full House. (Or whatever show he enjoyed at the time.)

As time has gone on and my boys have gotten older,  we haven't had our special nights as often. We mostly have our special nights as a family because  my boys LOVE to be together and with us. Sidenote---I absolutely love that they don't want to leave each other out! But on Friday night, we were all laying in bed watching a movie together and Kole and Kyle fell asleep. I looked at Krews and grinned and whispered, "Me, you, two..." And Krews immediately said "two sprites, 1 cracker, watch Spiderman!"

A lot of people have given me flack for co-sleeping with my kids. And I never argue because I think all mamas are doing what is best for their individual family. Every family and every child has a routine that fits them best! Late nights cuddled up in our bed have always been some of the best times of my life. And I will miss the day when I can't say, "Me, you, two sprites, 1 cracker, watch spiderman." 

1 comment:

  1. This is precious...and you're right not to argue with people over the choices you're making for your own family. When did we all get to be bossy know-it-alls? Sheesh. We are all just doing our best. I read this post this morning...along these same lines. Not sure I've linked it right:
