1. Favorite day:
Monday was cowboy day at Krews' school. He was sooo excited! I was so sad because it was the same day I was diagnosed with strep throat, but luckily Kyle was able to go. Kyle and Krews had a great time together! I also have wonderful friends who sent me pictures throughout the day, so I felt like I was there. My friend, Jessica, sent me this picture of her daughter Ella Kate with Krews and said they just might be high school sweethearts. Krews says he does not have a girlfriend, but he did not seem upset to take this picture!
2. Favorite cat:
I think I have mentioned my parents cat, Kitty Floyd, before. He is absolutely crazy. My mom put her Christmas tree up this week and Kitty Floyd LOVES to sit in the Christmas tree. It is really hilarious. If you walk in you will see her tree moving and then realize it's just the cat.
This summer the boys tried to take Kitty Floyd home with us. They did manage to get him in the car but he went nuts and I let him out of the back. And then I sneezed the entire way home.
3. Favorite weather:
It is finally starting to cool off which I love! Cooler weather means Thanksgiving, Christmas, and hopefully snow! I am hoping to start feeling better so I can get some Christmas decorations up this weekend!
4. Favorite show:
I have been on a Grey's Anatomy kick while I have been sick. I have watched from the beginning, but forgot a lot of the details since it has been on TV over 10 years! I have enjoyed it. It is hard watching the new season without Christina though.
5. Favorite #TBT:
I posted this picture to my instagram for throw back Thursday. This is Kyle and I 13 years ago at Christmas time at my grandparents house, which is now our house! I love that we have a picture of us from then in our house now. So neat! And yes, we look like babies!
For more Friday Favorites check out Erika, Andrea, and Narci for the link up!